There is very short list of that can be applied to every form field

namestringUnique field identifier. Value of this field will be under same key
componentstringComponent identifier from componentMapper. Rendered component is chosen by this value
hideFieldbooleanEquivalent to html attribute hidden. Hides the field but it remains in DOM. Note that the field is still impacted by the form state. Validation will still apply on hidden field but the error message will not be displayed.

Each mapper provided in react-forms provides a default API for standard components. If you want to keep compatibility between our mappers and custom ones, please follow these APIs. Otherwise, it is up to you, which props you choose.

Standard components are:

Change form state (input fields)Others
text fieldsubform
textareatabs/tab item
checkboxplain text

Basic components that can change the form state (inputs) share common props. These components are using useFieldApi or FieldProvider to access the form state.

labelnode/stringA label of the field
descriptionnode/stringDescription of the field
helperTextnode/stringHelper text: format, hint, etc.
hideLabelbooleanTo hide label
isRequiredbooleanIs the field required?
isDisabledbooleanIs the field disabled?
isReadOnlybooleanIs the field readOnly?
initialValuecustomThere are two ways how to set initial values in the form: you can use either the initialValues prop for the whole form or you can set the value in the schema for each field separately. For more information, please see here.
placeholdernode/stringA placeholder

placeholdernode/stringA placeholder

placeholdernode/stringA placeholder
optionsarrayOptions in format of { label: 'Label', value: value }
loadOptionsfunctionA function for loading a options asynchronously
loadingMessagenode/stringA message which will shown as a placeholder during the loading
simpleValuebooleanSimple value (no isMulti)
isMultibooleanAllows to choose more options
isClearablebooleanAllows to clear the selected option
isSearchablebooleanAllows to search in the options

optionsarrayOptions in format { label: 'Label', value: value }, it will make it multiple a choice list. (optional)

optionsarrayOptions in format { label: 'Label', value: value }

onTextstringA text which is shown when the switch is on (checked)
offTextstringA text which is shown when the switch is off

This component is using react-day-picker as a base component.

placeholdernode/stringA placeholder
variant['date-time', 'date']variant of date picker
localestringDefines date picker locale. See react-day-picker docs for more info
todayButtonLabelstringLabel for today button
showTodayButtonboolshow/hide today button
isDisabledbooldisable component
disabledDaysarrayMark specific days or a range of days as disabled. More info. In order to store this prop to JSON we allow using string. Any string accepted by Date constructor is valid value. There is an alias for current date: today
closeOnDaySelectboolClose the calendar popover after selecting date.
inputFormatstringSet date format for the input. Using same convetion as moment.js

placeholdernode/stringA placeholder

minnumberThe minimum permitted value
maxnumberThe maximum permitted value
stepnumberThe stepping interval

optionsarrayOptions in format of { label: 'Label', value: value }

fieldsarrayForm fields
minItemsnumberMinimal number of items
maxItemsminMaximum number of items
fieldsarrayForm fields
defaultItemanyDefault item

titlenode/stringA title
descriptionnode/stringA description
fieldsarrayForm fields


titlenode/stringA title
fieldsarrayAn array of tab items

Tab item

fieldsarrayAn array of form fields


titlenode/stringTitle in header (will show header)
descriptionnode/stringDescription in header
buttonLabelsobjectLabels for buttons
fieldsarrayAn array of wizard steps

Wizard step

titlenode/stringStep title
namestring, numberUniq name of the step
nextStepobject/name of next stepSee wizard documentation
fieldsarrayAn array of form fields

labelnode/stringA text
variantstringA variant (depends on mappers: html tags)